Policy 7600 — Regulations Governing the Use of The Chapel

Policy section:
Section 7600-7699 Facilities
Policy number:
Regulations Governing the Use of the Chapel
Approved By:
The President
Approved date:
December 1, 1994
Effective date:
December 1, 1994
April 30, 2024
Administered by:
Director of Facilities Management


The Chapel Building is the centre of the spiritual life of campus and is open to all members of the ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ Allison community of all faiths, spiritual and philosophical paths. All are welcome to use the Chapel building as a place of community-building, reflection, well-being, celebration, commemoration and meditation. All are welcome to use the space to explore, nurture and deepen their spirituality, which is defined in the widest sense possible.


The Sanctuary was designed as an explicitly Christian space many years ago. While honoring that tradition, it is now open to anyone, form all faiths, spiritual and religious paths to use and enjoy.

The Chapel Sanctuary is open daily for individuals as a place for reflection, prayer, meditation, centering, conversation or a pause and a moment of calm.

The Sanctuary is used for programming by the Multi-Faith Chaplain and Spiritual Care Coordinator.

In addition, the Sanctuary can be booked by individuals or groups for events or programs, such as worship, concerts, speakers, panel discussion, memorial celebrations, workshops or weddings. The bookings of the Sanctuary will be made through Administrative Services, which will consult with the Multi-faith Chaplain and Spiritual Care Coordinator. Space users are asked to respect the space and its spiritual nature.

Special consideration will be given to the Music Department for any programs requiring the specific use of the Chapel Organ. The Chapel Organ is available to be used for practice and rehearsal by university organ students; students wishing to use the organ will normally reserve the Chapel through the on-line booking system.

Arrangements regarding the use of the organ will be made between the Department of Music and the Multi-faith Chaplain and Spiritual Care Coordinator.

Bookings are subject to change at the Multi-faith Chaplain and Spiritual Care Coordinator's discretion due to unusual circumstances (e.g. an event for which no advance booking has been made, such as a funeral service.)

The seating capacity for the Sanctuary is 240; fire regulations prohibit additional persons standing.

The use of the Chapel is free for internal bookings and fees are charged for external users.


The Quiet Room off the main Sanctuary is primarily for the use of individuals or small groups; it is open and available for personal prayer, meditation, quiet time or reflection.

The Quiet Room is not normally booked or reserved. Small groups may use the Prayer Room for worship, prayer or study; all furnishings must be returned to their proper places after use.

The seating capacity in the Quiet Room is twelve persons.

The regulations governing the use of the Sanctuary also governs the use of the Quiet Room.


The Manning Multi-faith Room is a multi-faith and multi-purpose room. The priority for the use of the Manning Multi-faith Room is given to the MtA Spiritual Care for its programs and activities, including student drop-in space.

The Manning Multi-faith Room is bookable by groups or individuals for events on a first come, first serve basis. Bookings should be made through Administrative Services. A rental fee will be charged for any events or activities by external groups. University groups will take priority over outside groups in any reservations of the Chapel.

Continuing reservations in the Manning Multi-faith Room will be at the discretion of the Multi-faith Chaplain and Spiritual Care Coordinator.

Excessive noise, misuse or abuse of the Manning Multi-faith Room or kitchen will result in cancellation or refusal of the privilege of its use.

The Manning Multi-faith Room is designed to accommodate forty to fifty people comfortably, although it can be used by a maximum of seventy-five people (seated).

Bookings are subject to change at the Multi-faith Chaplain and Spiritual Care Coordinator's discretion due to unusual circumstances (e.g., funeral service or a critical incident).

A decision made by the Multi-faith Chaplain and Spiritual Care Coordinator's Office on the use of the Manning Multi-faith Room is final, unless overruled by the President of the University.


The kitchen (CHAP B109) facilities are available upon request and can be booked in conjunction to the Manning Multi-faith Room. Arrangements for key pick-up must be made with the Multi-faith Chaplain and Spiritual Care Coordinator. The kitchen must be cleaned up after use: dishes must be washed and put away, counters wiped, garbage sorted and disposed in containers provided and all cupboards locked. All food must be taken away unless other arrangements have been made. Non-compliance with clean-up may affect future bookings or incur a fine.

Breakages and missing items should be reported to the Multi-faith Chaplain and Spiritual Care Coordinator. The cost of replacement will be charged to the group.

Groups seeking to serve alcohol beyond the purpose of religious ritual must specify this requirement and the University will assign Bar Services to cater to the event.


6.1 Multi-faith Prayer Room

The Multi-faith Prayer Room(CHAP B102) is the small room off the hallway in the lower level of the hallway, closest to the bathroom. Its primary use is personal prayer, including Muslim prayer. Shoes must be removed before entering the room.

The Multi-faith Prayer Room is not normally booked or reserved.

6.2 Multi-purpose room

The Multi-purpose room (CHAP B103) is the small room off the hallway in the lower level of the hallway, furthest from the bathroom. Use of the room is designated each year by the Multi-faith Chaplin and Spiritual Care Coordinator and may be given to university groups or departments for special projects.


7.1 Weddings

See the regulations regarding wedding services in the Chapel for specific regulations regarding the booking and conduct of services celebrating the rite of marriage, see Policy 7601 - Wedding Services in The Chapel

7.2 Funerals and Memorial Services

Persons wishing to arrange a funeral or memorial service in the University Chapel should consult with the Multi-faith Chaplain and Spiritual Care Coordinator to make the appropriate arrangements, who will need to give permission before any booking is made.

A funeral or memorial service in the Chapel should normally be officiated by the Multi-faith Chaplain and Spiritual Care Coordinator, unless permission for another officiant is given.

Those persons who might appropriately request the use of the Chapel and services of the Multi-faith Chaplain and Spiritual Care Coordinator for a funeral or memorial service shall be those who may be considered to have a reasonable connection, present or past, with the University.


As a courtesy, the Multi-Faith Chaplain and Spiritual Care Coordinator should normally be consulted regarding any request for the use of the Chapel.

MtA Spiritual Care Office has the final decision regarding any booking unless overruled by the President of the University.

Bookings must be made at least 5 working days before the event, unless there are special circumstances.

Booking request where alcohol will be served must be made 30 days before the event.


The Multi-faith Chaplain and Spiritual Care Coordinator is the chapel administrator under the supervision of the Vice-President, International and Student Affairs.

Administrative Services arranges reservations and bookings following the guidelines listed above and is responsible for setting and collecting fees.

Matters concerning the Chapel should be addressed directly to the Multi-faith Chaplain and Spiritual Care Coordinator, but appeal from any decision made by the Spiritual Care Office may be made to the Vice-President International and Student Affairs.



ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ Allison University Chapel Rates 2023-2024

Community and non-profit organizations

Private and commercial rentals

Multi-faith room
Monday to Sunday

$45.00 per hour plus HST

Includes use of kitchenette, tables/chairs

*Additional costs may be required if custodial is required to reset/excessive cleanup.

Policies and procedures for usage of the Multi-faith room will be provided to the requestor by ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ Allison University.

Contact bookit@mta.ca for availability.
Chapel Sanctuary for Weddings and private events Monday to Sunday

$500.00 plus HST

Rate includes setup the day of (flowers and decorations as per policy and procedure guidelines)
Rental includes usage of the Sanctuary and the multi-faith room in the lower level.

A Spiritual Care Assistant will be present during the rehearsal and the ceremony.

Policies and Procedures for usage of the Chapel will be provided to the requestor by ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ Allison University.

Contact bookit@mta.ca for availability.