Class officers
Jim Steeves
Vice President
Jane (Archibald) McMillan
James Owen
Meg (Gowdy) Pryde
Paul Arsenault
David Boyd
May 2024 Reunion

Join your classmates in celebration of your ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ Allison Reunion, May 10-12, 2024!
The class of '74 celebrating their 50-Year Reunion this year.
Letter from the Class Executive
Yikes!!! Where have those 50 years gone? And now it’s time to celebrate our graduation with a 50th Reunion! Your Reunion Committee and Class Executive are busily making plans to create our largest and best reunion ever. Let’s see if we can have a registration that boasts 50 for 50… better still, even more!
Our goal is to reach out to everyone by phone and email to renew a connection and obtain contact information in anticipation of this time together. Already there is a ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ A Class of 1974 Facebook page; Jack Rhind is collecting current photos of members; and Steve Heckbert is
busy creating a photo-roll of days gone by. If you would like to submit to either or both, the contact information is below.
It would be wonderful if you could join us from May 10-13, 2024. Our memories of our time spent at ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ Allison become even more precious with age. The life lessons we learned and the acquaintances and friendships we made have created a lasting bond. If you have never attended a reunion, please make this special one, our 50th, your first! There will be a special ceremony where we will all receive a 50-year alumni pin! Many of life’s joys and challenges can be shared; old friends and acquaintances reunited; and maybe new friends can be made. So please, join us to make our 50th Reunion the best!
Your mission is to register for this Reunion. Detailed information will be found online at in early January, or contact the ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ Allison Alumni Office at alumni@mta.ca or call 1-886-890-6138 ( toll free ).
To create an even more memorable event, how great would it be if you could rally your old ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ A “Gang“? Please contact/coax/push anyone who might be in your sphere and encourage them to meet up in Sackville on that Reunion Weekend. Although reunions are primarily set up for specific graduating years, you are most welcome, and we encourage you to invite friends from other years to attend with you and join in the fun. They are welcome formally and informally.
Class Vice-President – Jane McMillan
Class Secretary – Meg Goudy Pryde
Class Custodian – Paul Arsenault
Class Volunteer – Jack Rhind
Alumni from more than 20 classes gathered at ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ Allison for Reunion 2022. More than 450 alumni were back on campus for the first Reunion Weekend held since 2019!