Summer Academy of Music application form

Deadline — May 1, 2024 

  • Late registrations may be accepted, space permitting

To apply

  1. Complete the online application form below
  2. Submit a video recording of two contrasting selections displaying your current playing ability
    • Electronic submissions are preferred — send video files or a link to YouTube, SoundCloud, Google Drive, or Dropbox to music@mta.ca

Successful applicants will be contacted by e-mail after the application deadline.

Before you begin to fill in this form, make sure you have:

  • parent or guardian's e-mail
  • your mailing address
  • names and e-mail of current music instructors and band or choir directors

* Indicates required field

Personal and contact information

Home address

Music experience


Are you currently participating in the Sistema NB or the New Brunswick Youth Orchestra program?

Additional information