Robbie Moser

Robbie Moser studies philosophers and ideas of the mediaeval and analytic traditions. He has a special interest in metaphysics and characterizations of philosophy.
Academic Publications
- Journal Articles, Book Chapters
2018: “The Anti-Philosophy of Richard Rorty”,&Բ;Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions 14 [in press]
2016: “A Note on Anselm's unum argumentum”,&Բ;Études maritainiennes - Maritain Studies 32, pp. 155-70
2014: “Wittgenstein, Form, and the Criterion of Understanding”, in Whence Intelligibility? Louis Perron, Ed., (Washington, DC: Council for Research and Values in Philosophy), pp. 13-30
2012: “The Anti-Philosophy of Wittgenstein and al-Ghazali”,&Բ;Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions 8, pp. 107-122
2011: “Thomas Aquinas, Esse Intentionale, and the Cognitive As Such”,&Բ;Review of Metaphysics 64, pp. 763-788
2009: “What Does it Mean to Be a Thomist?” Études maritainiennes - Maritain Studies 25, pp. 112-128
- Encyclopedia Entries
2013: “Abstraction”, revised article by E.D. Simmons, in New Catholic Encyclopedia Supplement 2012-13: Ethics and Philosophy, volume 1. Robert L. Fastiggi, ed. 4 vols. (Detroit: Gale), pp. 2-7
2013: “Conative”, original entry in New Catholic Encyclopedia Supplement 2012-13: Ethics and Philosophy, volume 1. Robert L. Fastiggi, ed. 4 vols. (Detroit: Gale), pp. 298-99
Academic Presentations
2018: “Charles de Koninck, Philosophy, and the Limits of Knowledge", at the Atlantic Region Philosophers' Association, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish (October 20)
2018: “Irony, or Philosophy, in a Populist Age", at the Phoenix Colloquium, Ƶ Allison University, Sackville (September 21)
2018: “Some Ends of Philosophy", at the Faculty of Arts Research Day, Ƶ Allison University, Sackville (January 26)
2017: “Ineffabilia", panel paper on Michael Hymers's Wittgenstein on Sensation and Perception (Routledge 2017), in an Author-Meets-Readers Symposium of the Atlantic Wittgenstein Reading Group, at the Atlantic Region Philosophers' Association, St. Mary's University, Halifax (October 13)
2017: “Rorty and the Role of Philosophy in Politics", at the Canadian Jacques Maritain Association, Ryerson University, Toronto (May 28)
2017: “Holy Nonsense: Wittgensteinians Effing the Ineffable", at the Phoenix Colloquium, Ƶ Allison University, Sackville (March 24)
2016: “Teaching Wittgenstein's Children", at the Atlantic Region Philosophers' Association, Acadia University, Wolfville (October 22)
2016: “The Vanishing Point of Anselm's Argument", at the Atlantic Mediaevalists Association, Ƶ Allison University, Sackville (October 1)
2015: “St Thomas, Fr Dewan, and the Metaphysics of Individuation", at the Symposium on the Philosophy of Lawrence Dewan, OP: Metaphysics and Ethics, Dominican University College, Ottawa (November 7)
2015: “ 'Philosophy as Therapy' to What End?”, at the Atlantic Region Philosophers' Association, St. Thomas University, Fredericton (October 31)
2015: “St Anselm's Expression”, at the Atlantic Mediaevalists Association, University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown (October 3)
2015: “Wittgenstein’s End of Philosophy”, Invited Public Lecture at the Department of Philosophy, St Francis Xavier University, Antigonish (March 12)
2015: “Not Particularly: Wittgenstein on a Source of Trouble in Philosophy”, Invited Public Lecture at the Department of Philosophy, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton (February 18)
2015: “Anselm’s Argument, Existence, and the Value of an Unbounded Invariable”, at the Phoenix Colloquium, Ƶ Allison University, Sackville (January 16)
2014: “ ‘I made you see others’: Wittgenstein on the Duty of Persuasion”, at ‘Feed Your Brain’ Provost’s Lecture Series, Ƶ Allison University, Sackville (November 13)
2014: “Wittgenstein’s Method as Socratic Recollection”, at the Atlantic Region Philosophers’ Association, Memorial University, St. John’s (October 25)
2014: “Wittgenstein on Not Aiming at Completeness”, at the Dalhousie Philosophy Colloquium, Dalhousie University, Halifax (July 18)
2014: “Wittgenstein’s Lie: Philosophical Investigations §133”, at the Phoenix Colloquium, Ƶ Allison University, Sackville (March 28)
2012: “Dangerous Medicine: The Anti-Philosophy of Wittgenstein and Al-Ghazali”, at the Canadian Jacques Maritain Association, St. Jerome’s University, Waterloo (May 30)
2011: “Wittgenstein and the Meno”, at the Phoenix Colloquium Series, Ƶ Allison University, Sackville (September 30)
2011: “Knowledge, Dialogue, and the Dewey-Russell Debate”, at the Canadian Philosophical Association, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton (May 31)
2011: “Naturalism and Idealism in Philosophy of Mind: an exitus-reditus Story”, at the Phoenix Colloquium, Ƶ Allison University, Sackville (January 31)
2010: “Wittgenstein on What Religious Language Shows”, at the Western New York and Pennsylvania American Catholic Philosophical Association, Niagara University, Niagara Falls, USA (October 30)
2010: “Dialogue, Scepticism, and the Renewed Interest in Al-Ghazali”, at the Canadian Jacques Maritain Association, Saint Paul University, Ottawa (October 22)
2010: “St Thomas and the Criterion of Cognition”, at Canisius College, Buffalo NY, USA (May 25)
2010: “Two Questions About Natural Kinds”, at the Phoenix Colloquium Series, Ƶ Allison University, Sackville (February 2)
2009: “A Block to Progress: Dewey and Russell on Immediate Knowledge,” at the Atlantic Region Philosophers’ Association, Cape Breton University, Sydney (October 17)
2009: “Aristotle, Representation, and Current Philosophy of Mind”, at the Ancient Philosophy Conference, Ƶ Allison University, Sackville (August 5)
PhD (University of Ottawa, 2009)
MA (Dalhousie University, 2002)
BA (St. Francis Xavier University, 2001)
PHIL 1621 - Reason, Will, & World (Introduction to Philosophy)
PHIL 2611 - Introductory Logic
PHIL 2801 - Metaphysics
PHIL 3101 - Mediaeval Philosophy
PHIL 3301 - Analytic Philosophy in Origin
PHIL 3311 - Analytic Philosophy in Progress
PHIL 3731 - Philosophy of Law
PHIL 4001 - Topics in History of Philosophy
PHIL 4511 - Philosophy of Mind
PHIL 4611 - Topics in Analytic Philosophy
Mediaeval philosophy
20th-century analytic philosophy