ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ Allison University Campus

Academic Calendar 2023-2024

Table of Contents

8 Personnel

8.1 Officers of the University


Lynn Loewen


Dr. Jean-Paul Boudreau

8.2 The Regents of ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ Allison


Dr. Jean-Paul Boudreau, Sackville, New Brunswick
Lynn Loewen, Montreal, Quebec


Gita Anand, Toronto, Ontario
Sarah Crawford, Toronto, Ontario
George Cooper, Moncton, New Brunswick
Michael Gibbens, Toronto, Ontario
Paul Henry, Toronto, Ontario
Zac McIsaac, Toronto, Ontario
Dale Noseworthy, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Daniel Nowlan, Toronto, Ontario
Martine Savoie, Moncton, New Brunswick
K. Brent Spencer, Riverview, New Brunswick
J. Peter Winters, Sidney, British Columbia
Lisa Yarmoshuk, Washington, D.C.


Cheryl Hodder, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Dave Shastri, Bermuda
Phil Tibbo, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Christina Vroom, Montreal, Quebec



Vett Lloyd, Sackville, New Brunswick
Andrew Wilson, Sackville, New Brunswick


Suhjung Chun, Sackville, New Brunswick
Rohin Minocha-McKenney, Sackville, New Brunswick


Robert Inglis

8.3 The Senate of ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ Allison

Lynn Loewen, Chancellor
Jean-Paul Boudreau, President and Vice-Chancellor
Robbie Moser, Secretary of Senate


Alex Fancy
Nancy Vogan


Bill Evans


Rachel Rubin, Dean of Libraries and Archives
Jeff Hennessy, Provost and Vice-President, Academic and Research
Jennifer Tomes, Dean of Science and Graduate Studies
Christiane Major, Registrar
Vicki St. Pierre, Dean of Arts


Amanda Francis


Sacha Dewolfe
James Kalyn
Liam Keliher
Anne Koval
Tim Reiffenstein


Krista Johnston
Andrea Morash


Diana Hamilton, Biology
Vicki Meli, Chemistry
Andrea Beverley, Canadian Studies
Bruce Robertson, Classics
Sarah Fanning, Drama
Niels Antonisen, Economics
Robert Lapp, English
Chris Down, Fine Arts
Brad Walters, Geography and Environment
William Wilson, History
Anne Lepage, Libraries & Archives
Mark Hamilton, Math and Computer Science
Kirsty Bell, Modern Languages and Literatures
Stephen Runge, Music
Jane Dryden, Philosophy
Catherine Lovekin, Physics
Mario Levesque, Politics and International Relations
Gene Ouellette, Psychology
Barb Clayton, Religious Studies
Saikat Sarkar, Ron Joyce Centre for Business Studies
Fabrizio Antonelli, Sociology
Christiana MacDougall, Women's and Gender Studies
Christina Ionescu, Visual and Material Cultures


Evan Jollimore
Kaitlyn Keleher
Tannis Nelson
SunMin Park
Liam Clark-Black
Astrid Krueger


Isabella Lirette


Jacques Bellefleur, Director of Physical Recreation and Athletics
Anne Comfort, Vice-President International and Student Affairs
Rohin Minocha-McKenney, President & CEO, MASU
Courtney Pringle-Carver, Vice-President University Advancement
Robert Inglis, Vice-President Finance and Administration
Suhjung Chun, Vice-President Academic Affairs, MASU

8.4 Officers of Administration

President and Vice-Chancellor
Jean-Paul Boudreau, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., FCPA
Secretary to the Board of Regents
Robert Inglis, B.Comm., CPA, CA
Provost and Vice-President, Academic and Research
Jeffrey Hennessy, B.Sc., B.Mus., M.A., Ph.D.
Vice-President, Finance and Administration
Robert Inglis, B.Comm., CPA, CA
Vice-President, University Advancement
Courtney Pringle-Carver, M.P.A.
Vice-President, International and Student Affairs
Anne Comfort, B.A., B.Ed., M.Ed.
Dean of Arts
Vicki St. Pierre, B.Mus., M.Mus., Ph.D.
Dean of Business and Social Sciences
Vicki St. Pierre, B.Mus., M.Mus., Ph.D., Acting
Dean of Science and Graduate Studies
Jennifer Tomes, B.A., M.A., Ph.D
Dean of Libraries and Archives
Rachel Rubin, B.A., M.L.I.S., Ph.D.
Director of Student Experience
Danai Bélanger, B.A., M.Ed.
Director of the Office of Research Services
Maria Thistle, B.Sc., M.Sc.
Christiane Major, B.A.
Associate Registrar, Student Records and Services
Sarah Kardash, B.A.
Director of ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ, Recruitment and Awards
Kutay Ulkuer, B.Econ, M.I.R
Financial Aid and Awards Counsellor
Manager, Institutional Research and Enrolment Analysis
Jonathan Parsons, B.A.
Director of Finance - Controller
Guylaine Roy, CPA, C.A.
Secretary of the Senate
Robbie Moser, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.
Secretary to the Faculty Council
David Fleming, E.B., B.Sc., M.Sc, Ph.D
Director of Administrative Services
Donna Hurley, B.Sc., MBA
Director of Development
Director of Alumni Engagement
Carolle de Ste-Croix, B.A.
Director of Information Technology
John Gillis, P.Eng., MBA, CMC
Director of Facilities Management
Kris Kierstead, P.Eng.
Director of People and Culture
Sabine Beisser, B.A., CPHR
Director and Curator of the Owens Art Gallery
Emily Falvey, B.A., M.A.
Director of Athletics and Recreation
Jacques Bellefleur, B.Sc., MHK
Director of Accessibility and Student Wellness
Matt Maston, B.A., B.Ed., M.Ed.

8.5 Chancellors Emeriti

Margaret Norrie McCain, O.C., B.A., B.S.W., LL.D.

John Bragg, O.C., B.Comm., B.Ed., LL.D.

Peter Mansbridge, O.C., LL.D.

8.6 Presidents Emeriti

Ian David Campbell Newbould, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., F.R.H.S.

Robert M. Campbell, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.

8.7 Registrars Emeriti

Leonard A. Owen, B.A., M.A.

Christine Parker, B.F.A.

8.8 Professors Emeriti

Robert Adlam, B.Sc., M.A., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Anthropology, Emeritus

Ken Adams, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Chemistry, Emeritus

Ronald Burleigh Aiken, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.; Professor of Biology, Emeritus

Felix Jakob Baerlocher, Dipl. sc nat., Ph.D., Privatdozent, Professor of Biology, Emeritus

Catharine Anne Baker, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, Emerita

Patrick Baker, B.A., Ph.D., Professor of Anthropology, Emeritus

Margaret Beaton, B.Sc., MSc., Ph.D., Professor of Biology, Emerita

Margaret Beattie, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics, Emerita

Ronald Beattie, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics, Emeritus

Monika Boehringer, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Professor of French, Emerita

Paul Bogaard, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy, Emeritus

Rebecca Burke, B.A., M.F.A, Professor of Fine Arts, Emerita

Roger Calkins, B.A., M.A., Ph.D, Professor of English, Emeritus

Brian Lewis Campbell, B.A., B.Phil., Ph.D., Professor of Sociology, Emeritus

George Paul Cant, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physics, Emeritus

Geoffrey Carpenter, Dip., Lic., Associate Professor of French and Spanish, Emeritus

Belinda Code, B.Mus., M.Mus., Professor of Music, Emerita

James Grant Code, B.S., M.Mus., D.M.A., Professor of Music, Emeritus

Ivan Cohen, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Professor of Classics, Emeritus

Terrence L. Craig, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Professor of English, Emeritus

Mervyn Crooker, B.A., M.A., Associate Professor of Fine Arts, Emeritus

Roland Crooks, B.A., M.A., Associate Professor of Psychology, Emeritus

Donald Cross, B.A., M.A., Associate Professor of English, Emeritus

George DeBenedetti, B.A., M.A., Professor of Economics, Emeritus

Stephen Duffy, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., Associate Professor Chemistry, Emeritus

Peter J. Edwards, B.A., B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Professor of French, Emeritus

Alexander Boyd Fancy, B.A., M.A., Professor of French, Emeritus

Danise Joy Ferguson, B.Mus., M.Mus., Associate Professor of Music, Emerita

C.E. Berkeley Fleming, B.A., M.A., Professor of Sociology, Emeritus

Michael J. Fox, B.A., M.A., Dip. Ed., Ph.D., Professor of Geography and Environment, Emeritus

Albert Joseph Furtwangler, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Professor of English, Emeritus

Eugene Goodrich, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Associate Professor of History, Emeritus

Colin Malcolm Grant, B.A., B.D., Ph.D., Professor of Religious Studies, Emerita

Douglas Grant, B.Sc., Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry, Emeritus

Kathryn Eryl Hamer, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures, Emerita

Janet Thom Hammock, Artist Dip., M.M.A., D.M.A., Professor of Music, Emerita

Virgil Gene Hammock, B.F.A., M.F.A., Professor of Fine Arts, Emeritus

Gerald Hannah, B.Sc., B.E., M.E., P.Eng., Professor of Engineering, Emeritus

John G.E. Harpur, B.A., M.Sc., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology, Emeritus

Robert Lewis Hawkes, B.Sc., B.Ed., M.Sc., Ph.D., P. Phys. Professor of Physics, Emeritus

Brian Hede, B.Sc., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physics, Emeritus

Rainer Lutz Hempel, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures, Emeritus

Thaddeus Holownia, B.A., Professor of Fine Arts, Emeritus

Judith A. Holton, B.A., Dip. Pub. Adm., M.A., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Commerce, Emerita

Richard Hudson, B.A., L.Ph. M.P.A, M.A, Ph.D., C.M.A., Professor of Commerce, Emeritus

Robert John Ireland, B.Sc., Ph.d., Professor of Biology and Biochemistry, Emeritus

Thilo K. Joerger, M.A., Ph.D., Professor of German, Emeritus

Carrie MacMillan, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.,Professor of English, Emerita

James Mark, B.Mus., M.Mus. D.M.A., Professor of Music, Emeritus

James Horace Matthews, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., Professor of Physics, Emeritus

Michael Miller, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Professor of Music, Emeritus

David J. Mossman, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., Professor of Geoscience, Emeritus

John Frederick Read, B.Sc., Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry, Emeritus

Vincent C. Reinsborough, B.A., M.A., S.T.B., Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry, Emeritus

Robert Douglas Rosebrugh, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, Emeritus

Charles Scobie, B.D., M.A., S.T.M., Ph.D., Professor of Religious Studies, Emeritus

Robert P. Sealy, B.Sc., Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, Emeritus

David Silverberg, B.A., Professor of Fine Arts, Emeritus

James A. Stark, B.A., M.Mus., Ph.D., Professor of Music, Emeritus

John M. Stewart, B.Sc., M.Sc., Professor of Biochemistry, Emeritus

Christine Storm, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, Emerita

Michael J. Tucker, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Professor of Political Science, Emeritus

Christiane Ullmann, B.A., Ph.D., Professor of German, Emerita

Hans vanderLeest, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Professor of Classics, Emeritus

Pravin K. Varma, B.E., M.E., B.Ed., P.Eng., Professor of Physics, Emeritus

Christl Verduyn, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Professor of English and Canadian Studies, Emerita

Nancy F. Vogan, B.A., M.Mus, Ph.D., Professor of Music, Emerita

Marilyn Walker, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Professor of Anthropology, Emerita

Judith A. Weiss, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures, Emerita

Cyril Welch, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy, Emeritus

Alex Whitla, B.Sc., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Chemistry, Emeritus

Alexander M. Wilson, B.Sc., M.Ed., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology, Emeritus

8.9 Librarians Emeriti

Rhianna Edwards, B.A., M.A.S.

Cheryl Ennals, B.A., B.L.S., Archives Cert

Margaret Fancy, B.A., M.L.S.

Peter Higham, B.A., M.Mus, M.L.S, L.R.A.M.

Ruthmary MacPherson, B.Sc., M.L.S, M.B.A.

Brian McNally, B.Sc., B.Ed., M.A., M.L.S.

8.10 Other Emeriti

Gemey Kelly, Director Emerita of The Owens Art Gallery

Rev. John Perkin, Chaplain Emeritus

8.11 Academic Staff

8.11.1 Professors

Department of Biology

Austin, Emily, B.ScH (Queens); MES (Dalhousie); PhD. (Toronto); Assistant Professor

Campbell, Douglas, B.Sc. (Acadia); Ph.D. (Western Ontario); Professor of Biology and Biochemistry and Canada Research Chair in Environmental Sciences

Crosby, Karen, B.Sc. (ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ Allison); M.Sc. (UPEI); Ph.D. (Calgary); Associate Professor

Filice, David, B.Sc. (Toronto); M.Sc. (Laurier); Ph.D. (McMaster); Assistant Professor

Hamilton, Diana J., B.Sc. (McGill); M.Sc. (Western); Ph.D. (Guelph); Professor and Head of the Department

Liefer, Justin, B.Sc. (Grand Valley); Ph.D. (Alabama); Assistant Professor

Litvak, Matthew, B.Sc. (York); M.Sc. Ph.D. (Toronto); Professor

Lloyd, Vett K., B.Sc. (British Columbia); M.Sc. (U. Geneva); Ph.D. (British Columbia); Professor

Morash, Andrea., B.Sc. (ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ Allison); Ph.D. (McMaster); Assistant Professor

Riley, Julia, B.Sc. (Guelph); M.Sc, (Laurentian); Ph.D. (Macquarie); Assistant Professor

Canadian Studies Program

Beverley, Andrea, B.A. (Toronto); M.A. (Laval); Ph.D. (Montreal); Associate Professor and Program Director

DeWolfe, Sacha, B.A., B.Ed., M.Ed., PhD. (UNB); Assistant Professor

Hele, Karl, B.A. (Waterloo); M.A. (Toronto); Ph.D. (McGill); Professor of Indigenous Studies

Nurse, Andrew, B.A. (Dalhousie); M.A., Ph.D. (Queen's); Associate Professor

Patel, Sharifa, B.A. (Toronto); M.A., Ph.D. (McMaster); Lecturer

Vicaire, Marsha, B.A. (Ottawa); B.Sc. (Concordia) M.A. (McGill); Assistant Professor

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Briand, Glen Gerard, B.Sc. (St. Francis Xavier); Ph.D. (Dalhousie); Professor

Grant, Andrew, B.Sc. (Queen's); Ph.D. (New Brunswick); Associate Professor

MacCormack, Tyson, B.Sc. (St. Francis Xavier); M.Sc., Ph.D. (Memorial); Associate Professor

McOnie, Sarah, B.Sc. (ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ Allison); Ph.D. (Western); Assistant Professor

Meli, Victoria, B.Sc., Ph.D. (McGill); Associate Professor and Head of the Department

Rourke, Jill, B.Sc., Ph.D. (Dalhousie); Assistant Professor

Waller, Jeffrey, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Queen's); Associate Professor

Wong. Jenny, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Toronto); Assistant Professor

Department of Classics

Battiloro, Ilaria, B.A., M.A. (Naples); Ph.D. (Alberta); Associate Professor

Forstall, Christopher, B.A., M.S. (Lehigh); M.A., Ph.D. (Buffalo); Associate Professor

Robertson, Bruce, B.A. (Queen's); M.A. (British Columbia); Ph.D. (Toronto); Professor and Head of the Department

Department of Commerce/ Ron Joyce Centre for Business Studies

Hashemi, Mohammed, BSBM; MSBM; Ph.D. (Tehran); Assistant Professor

Mullen, Jane, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Saint Mary's); Professor and Head of the Department

Pascoe-Deslauriers, Rachelle, B.A. (Toronto), M.Litt (St. Andrews); Ph.D. (Strathclyde); Associate Professor

Polegato, Rosemary, B.Sc. (St. Francis Xavier); M.Sc. (Guelph); M.B.A., Ph.D. (Western Ontario); Professor

Pomare, Carol, B.A. (Rennes II); M.Sc., Ph.D. (Louvain); DBA (Heriot-Watt); Associate Professor

Saikat, Sarkar, B.A., M.A. (RBU); M.B.A. (Lucknow); M.Sc. (SFU); Ph.D. (Tampere); Assistant Professor

Sianchuk, Peter, B.A., M.B.A. (McMaster); Associate Professor

White, Brent, B.A., B.B.A (UNB); M.Sc.M. (Queen's); Ph.D. (UNB); Associate Professor

Drama Program

Fanning, Sarah, B.A. (Saint Mary's); M.A. (UNB); Ph.D. (Exeter); Program Director

Griffin, Paul, B.A., B.Ed. (ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ Allison); M.A. (Carleton); Crake Doctoral Fellow

Department of Economics

Anthonisen, Niels, B.A. (McGill); M.A., Ph.D. (Columbia); Professor

Brett, Craig, B.A. (ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ Allison); M.A., Ph.D. (British Columbia); Professor

Langlais, Cory, B.A. (ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ Allison); M.A., Ph.D. (Toronto); Lecturer

Law, Stephen, B.A. (British Columbia); M.A., Ph.D.(Toronto); Professor

Van Beselaere, Carla, B.A., M.A. (Western Ontario); M.S., Ph.D. (Cal.Tech.); Associate Professor and Head of the Department

Department of English Literatures

Bamford, Karen, B.A. (Queen's); M.A., Ph.D. (Toronto); Professor

Beverley, Andrea, B.A. (Toronto); M.A. (Laval); Ph.D. (Montreal); Associate Professor

Brown, Peter, B.A. (Simon Fraser), M.A. (East Anglia); Ph D. (McGill); Associate Professor

Ede, Amatoritsero, B.A. and M.A. (Hanover); Ph.D. (Carleton); Assistant Professor

Lapp, Robert, B.A., M.A. (Toronto); Ph.D. (Dalhousie); Professor and Head of the Department

Miller, Geordie B.A. (Queen's); M.A., Ph.D. (Dalhousie); Assistant Professor

Rogers, Janine, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (McGill); Professor

Wills, Deborah, B.A (Trinity Western); M.A. (Carleton); Ph.D. (Alberta); Professor

Department of Fine Arts

Down, Chris, B.F.A. (University College of the Cariboo); B.F.A. (Victoria); M.F.A. (Western Ontario); Associate Professor

Edson, Erik, B.F.A. (Queen's); M.F.A. (Windsor); Professor

Garnett, Leah, B.A.(Brown); B.F.A. (Nova Scotia College of Art and Design); M.F.A. (Guelph); Associate Professor and Head of the Department

Girodat, Jamie-Lee, B.F.A (Lethbridge); M.F.A. (Alberta); Assistant Professor

Koval, Anne, B.A. (Queen's), M.A. (East Anglia); Ph.D. (London); Professor

Kuiper, Adriana E., B.A. (Guelph); M.F.A. (Western Ontario); Associate Professor

Ropson, Jerry, B.F.A. (Memorial); M.F.A. (Concordia); Associate Professor

Stentaford, Karen, B.FA. (MTA); B.Ed. (MSVU); M.FA (Edinburgh); Assistant Professor

Department of Geography and Environment

Cash, Corinne, BPHE (Acadia); M.EnvSc (Waterloo); PhD (Waterloo); Assistant Professor

Kern, Leslie, B.Sc., M.A. (Toronto); Ph.D. (York); Associate Professor

Kurek, Joshua, B.Sc.,(New York); M.Sc., Ph.D., (UNB); Associate Professor

Lieske, David J., B.Sc. (Alberta); M.Sc. (Saskatchewan); Ph.D. (Calgary); Associate Professor

Ollerhead, Jeff, B.Sc. (Guelph); M.Sc. (Toronto); Ph.D. (Guelph); Professor, Director ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ Allison Coastal Wetlands Institute

Phillips, Ben, B.F.A. (NS College of Arts); B.A., M.Sc. (ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ Allison); Lecturer

Reiffenstein, Tim, B.A. (McGill); M.A., Ph.D. (Simon Fraser); Associate Professor

Walters, Bradley, B.Sc. (British Columbia); M.E.S. (Dalhousie); Ph.D. (Rutgers); Professor and Head of the Department

Department of History

Griffiths, Owen, B.A. (Victoria); M.A., Ph.D. (British Columbia); Associate Professor

Inkpen, Danielle, B.A., M.A., (UBC); Ph.D. (Harvard); Assistant Professor

Lane, Hannah, B.A. (Toronto); M.A., Ph.D. (New Brunswick); Associate Professor

Lord, Kathleen, B.A. (Concordia); M.A. (Concordia); Ph.D. (McGill); Associate Professor

Lundell, William, A.B. (Hope College); M.A. (Toronto); M.S.L. (P.I.M.S., Toronto); Ph.D. (Toronto); Associate Professor

Wilson, William, B.A. (Trent); M.A., Ph.D. (McMaster); Associate Professor and Head of the Department

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Betti, Matthew, B.Sc., M.Sc. (McMaster), Ph.D. (Western); Assistant Professor

Clevinger, Ada, B.Sc. (ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ Allison); M.Sc. (McMaster); Lecturer

Cruttwell, Geoffrey, B.Sc. (Waterloo); M.Sc, Ph.D. (Dalhousie); Associate Professor

Cormier, Michael, B.Sc. (St.F.X.), M.Math, Ph.D. (Waterloo); Assistant Professor

Hamilton, Mark D., B.Sc. (British Columbia); M.Sc., Ph.D. (Toronto); Associate Professor

Johnston, Nathan, B.A., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Guelph); Associate Professor and Head of the Department

Keliher, Liam T., B.Sc. (St. Francis Xavier); M.Sc. (McGill); M.Sc., Ph.D. (Queen's); Associate Professor

Lelievre, Peter G., B.Sc. (Acadia), M.Sc., Ph.D. (UBC); Assistant Professor

Messinger, Margaret-Ellen W., B.Sc. (Prince Edward Island); M.Sc., Ph.D. (Dalhousie); Associate Professor

Ricker, Laurie, B.Sc. (ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ Allison); M.Sc., Ph.D. (Queen's); Professor

Department of Modern Languages and Literatures

Beck, Lauren, B.A. (Waterloo); M.A., Ph.D. (Western Ontario); Professor of Spanish

Bell, Kirsty, B.A. (Guelph); M.A., Ph.D. (Toronto); Associate Professor of French and Head of the Department

Fariña, Maritza, B.A., B.Ed.(Catholic University of Valparaiso - Chile); Instructor of Spanish

Ionescu, Christina, B.A., M.A., Ph.D (Toronto); Professor of French

Lee, Mark, B.A. (Memorial); M.A. (Johns Hopkins); Ph.D. (Emory); Professor of French

Martínez, Juan Carlos, B.A., B.Ed. (Catholic University of Valparaiso-Chile); M.A. (Carleton), Ph.D. (Toronto); Associate Professor of Spanish

Narayana, Valérie, B.Sc., M.A.(Alberta); Ph.D. (British Columbia); Associate Professor of French

Schellenberg, Renata, B.A.(Saskatchewan); M.A., Ph.D. (Toronto); Professor of German

Department of Music

Dodson, Alan, B.Mus. (ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ Allison); M.Mus., Ph.D. (Western); Associate Professor

Galway, Kiera, B.Mus, B.Mus.Ed, M.Mus. (Memorial); M.A., Ph.D. (Toronto); Assistant Professor

Haldane, Christina, B.Mus (Toronto); M.Mus (Guildhall); D.M.A. (Toronto); Assistant Professor

Kalyn, James, B.Mus; M.M.; D.M.A. (Rochester); Associate Professor

Martin, Gayle, B.Mus. (State University of New York); M.Mus. (McGill); D.M. (Alberta); Associate Professor

Morse, Kevin, B.Mus.(ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ Allison); M.Mus., Ph.D. (Western); Associate Professor

Pearse, Doreen Linda, B.Mus. (McGill); M.Mus. (Schola Cantorum Basiliensis); D.M. (Indiana); Associate Professor

Rogosin, David, B.Mus., M.Mus. (Montréal); D.M.A. (British Columbia); Professor

Runge, Stephen, B.Mus. (Victoria); M.Mus., Ph.D. (Montreal); Professor and Head of the Department

St. Pierre, Vicki, B.Mus., M.Mus., (Western); Ph.D. (Toronto); Associate Professor and Dean of Arts

Wells, Elizabeth, B.Mus. (Toronto); M.A., Ph.D. (Rochester); Professor

Department of Philosophy

Dryden, Jane, B.A. (Toronto); M.A., Ph.D. (Fordham); Associate Professor

Inkpen, Andrew, B.Sc. (St. Mary's); Ph.D. (UBC); Assistant Professor

Majithia, Roopen, B.A. (Beloit); M.A. (Northern Illinois); Ph.D. (McMaster); Professor and Hart Almerrin Massey Chair in Philosophy

Moser, Robbie, B.A. (StFX); M.A. (Dalhousie); Ph.D. (Ottawa); Associate Professor and Head of the Department

Department of Physics

Ahmady, Mohammad Reza, B.Sc. (Shiraz); M.Sc., Ph.D. (Western Ontario); Professor

Brüning, Ralf, Vordiplom (Kiel); M.Sc., Ph.D. (McGill); Professor

Fleming, David E.B., B.Sc. (ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ Allison); M.Sc., Ph.D. (McMaster); Professor, Canada Research Chair in Medical Physics

Hornidge, David, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Saskatchewan); Professor

Lovekin, Catherine, B.Sc. (McMaster); M.Sc., Ph.D. (Saint Mary's); Associate Professor and Head of the Department

Turner, Fraser, B.Sc. (St. Francis Xavier); M.Sc. (Waterloo); B.Ed. (St. Thomas University); Instructor

Department of Politics and International Relations

Basnett, Caleb, B.A. (Alberta); M.A., Ph.D. (York); Assistant Professor

Devine, James, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (McGill); Associate Professor

Hunt, Wayne, B.A. (Laurentian); M.Sc. (Econ.) (London School of Economics); Ph.D. (Toronto); Professor

Khattab, Lara, B.S (Beirut); M.A. (Lebanese); Ph.D (Concordia); Assistant Professor

Levesque, Mario, B.A., M.A. (Western); PhD (McMaster); Associate Professor and Head of the Department

Martin, Geoff, B.A. (Dalhousie); M.A. (Purdue); PhD (York); Part-time Assistant Professor

Michaelis, Loralea, B.I.S. (Waterloo); M.A., Ph.D. (Toronto); Associate Professor

Thomas, David, B.C.M (Victoria); B.A. (Calgary); M.A.(Saskatchewan); Ph.D. (Queen's); Professor

Department of Psychology

Azar, Rima, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Montreal); Associate Professor

Belke, Terry W., B.A. (Alberta); M.A., Ph.D. (Harvard); Professor

Claxton-Oldfield, Stephen, B.A. (Queen's); M.A. (Wilfrid Laurier); Ph.D. (Exeter); Associate Professor

Desmarais, Genevieve, B.A. (Concordia); M.A., Ph.D. (Waterloo); Associate Professor

Douglas, Danielle, B.A. (Concordia); M.A., Ph.D. (Toronto); Assistant Professor

Garon, Nancy, B.A., M.A. (New Brunswick); Ph.D. (Dalhousie); Associate Professor

Gould, Odette, B.A. (Moncton); M.A., Ph.D. (Victoria); Professor

Hamilton, Lisa Dawn, B.A. (Simon Fraser); M.A., Ph.D. (Texas); Associate Professor

LaPointe, Mitchell, B.A. (St. Thomas); M.Sc. (Lethbridge); Ph.D. (McMaster); Assistant Professor

O'Connor, Alison, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (Brock); Assistant Professor

Ouellette, Gene P., B.Sc. (Dalhousie); M.Sc. (McGill), Ph.D. (Carleton); Professor and Head of the Department

Tomes, Jennifer, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (Western Ontario); Associate Professor and Dean of Science and Graduate Studies

Uysal Irak, Doruk, BSc., Msc., (Hacettepe); PhD. (Carleton); Assistant Professor

Wasylkiw, Louise, B.A. (Nipissing); M.A., Ph.D. (Queen's); Professor

Department of Religious Studies

Andrews, Susan, B.A. (ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ Allison); M.A. (McMaster); M.Phil., Ph.D. (Columbia); Associate Professor

Black, Fiona, B.A., M.A. (McGill); Ph.D. (Sheffield); Professor

Clayton, Barbra, B.A., M.A. (Calgary); Ph.D. (McGill); Associate Professor and Head of the Department

Shumka, Leslie, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (University of Victoria); Assistant Professor

Wilson, Andrew, B.A. (Monash); B.Theol. (Melbourne College of Divinity); Ph.D. (Sheffield); Professor

Department of Sociology

Antonelli, Fabrizio, B.A., B.Ed., M.A., Ph.D. (Toronto); Associate Professor and Head of the Department

MacDougall-Fleming, Christiana, B.Sc. (MTA); B.S.W. (McMaster); M.S.W. (Vermont); Ph.D.(Memorial); Associate Professor

Poteet, Morgan, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (York); Associate Professor

Steuter, Erin, B.J. (University of King's College); B.A., M.A. (Dalhousie); Ph.D. (York); Professor

Whynacht, Ardath, B.A. (Kings); M.A. (Dalhousie); Ph.D. (Concordia); Associate Professor

Women's and Gender Studies Program

Johnston, Krista, B. A. (Brandon); M.A., Ph.D. (York); Associate Professor and Program Director

Visual and Material Cultures Studies Program

Kelly Spurles, Patricia, B.A., M.A. (McGill); Ph.D. (Montréal); Associate Professor and Program Director

8.11.2 Librarians

Goodwin, Gavin, B.Mus. (Alberta); M.Mus. (Bowling Green State); M.S.I.S.(McGill); Assistant Librarian

Landon, Laura, B.A. (Dalhousie); B.Jour. (Kings); M.L.I.S (Dalhousie); Assistant Librarian

LeBlanc, Christine, B.A. (ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ Allison); M.L.I.S. (Toronto); Assistant Librarian

LePage, Anne, B.Mus. (ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ Allison); M.Mus. (British Columbia); M.L.I.S. (British Columbia); Associate Librarian

Lilburn, Jeff, B.A. (McGill); M.A. (Western Ontario); M.L.I.S. (McGill); Librarian

Mawhinney, David, B.A. (McGill); M.L.I.S. (Toronto); Associate Librarian

Millar, Elizabeth, B.A. (Trent); M.A. (Wilfrid Laurier); M.L.I.S. (Dalhousie); Associate Librarian

Rubin, Rachel, B.A. (Carleton College); M.L.I.S (Kent State); Ph.D. (Simmons); Dean of Libraries and Archives

Stregger, Elizabeth, B.Sc., B.Sc. (McMaster); M.L.I.S. (Western); Assistant Librarian