Disability or ongoing medical conditions

Academic accommodations may be provided to a student when a disability creates a functional limitation or limitations in their academic pursuits.

In order to receive accommodations, students are required to meet with the Meighen Centre, request accommodations, and provide documentation to support the request.

Services and accommodations include:

  • adaptive software
  • note taking
  • peer tutoring
  • writing assistance and proofreading
  • test and exam accommodations


Temporary health concerns or family emergency

ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ Allison University encourages students to take responsibility for any health or personal problems that affect their academic performance.

Important note: any concerns or allegations of misrepresentation of personal circumstances will be deemed to constitute an allegation of academic dishonesty and may be referred to the Academic Integrity Officer.

Missed coursework or tests

If students miss any kind of course work or test or are unable to meet deadlines for assigned work due to medical or personal circumstances beyond their control, they are urged to notify their instructor(s) as soon as they are aware that the illness or problem will affect their attendance and/or academic performance. Together, student and instructor should work to find appropriate and reasonable accommodation(s).

The Student Life Office may, in some circumstances, issue a notice on behalf of a student (for example, in the case of a sudden departure from campus due to family or medical circumstances) indicating that in the opinion of that office the student's ability to focus on academic work has been compromised. In such cases, appropriate supporting documentation is held by the Student Life Office.

Accommodations for missed final examinations

A student may request accommodation for a missed final examination as a result of illness or for compassionate reasons by submitting an Application for Exam Accommodation form.

Accommodations for missed final examinations will be determined by the Registrar (or direct delegate) after consultation with the instructor.

If a deferred examination is approved as the appropriate exam accommodation for a fall term course, the deferred exam will normally be written during the first week of the Winter term. Exceptions must be approved by an Academic Dean.

For more details, visit exams.


Other situations impacting your studies

Academic standing

Students whose academic performance is such that they fail to achieve Good Standing will be placed on academic probation, academic suspension or academic dismissal, which will be recorded on their transcript.

For information on how to return to good standing, visit grades and academic standing.

Disciplinary suspension or dismissal

Disciplinary suspension or dismissal may be imposed by the University Judicial Committee or Academic Judicial Committee for infractions of the Student Code of Conduct or Academic Integrity Policy.

To seek re-admission following disciplinary suspension or dismissal, students should complete a Former Student Application form and the Supplementary Questionnaire.