Changing your major or minor

All students can declare, add, or change a major and/or minor program online using the declaration of a major/minor form.

Major and/or minor programs can be added or changed at any time during the course of your studies. 

You are advised to explore a program change with an academic advisor or a programadvisor to determine what effect it will have on your academic plans.

You can run a 'what if' degree audit in Program Evaluation to see how a new major or minor would change your progress towards meeting requirements for graduation. Please note, Program Evaluation is not an official degree audit. There are limitations to this system and it should be used as a tool for general program guidance only. 

The declaration of a major/minor form can also be used to change the academic calendar you are following. Note that if your change of major requires a transfer of degree program you should complete the change of degree request form


Changing your degree

Students considering a change of degree program are advised to meet with an academic advisor to explore their options.

Students should review the requirements for transferring degrees, evaluate whether the change is realistic and necessary to achieve personal, academic or career goals, and assess remaining requirements and anticipated graduation date.

To apply, submit the change of degree request form.

For dates and deadlines for degree transfers, visit academic dates and deadlines.

Transfer to the Bachelor of Arts

Students applying to transfer to the Bachelor of Arts degree program may submit the change of degree request form at any time during the course of their studies. 

Transfer to the Bachelor of Science

Students applying to transfer to the Bachelor of Science degree program may submit the change of degree request form after completing the following courses with a minimum grade of C- in each:

  • MATH 1111 or MATH 1151
  • three credits from CHEM 1001, PHYS 1041, or PHYS 1051
  • three credits from BIOL 1001, BIOL 1501, BIOC 1001, GENS 1401, PSYC 1001, or PSYC 1011

In addition, you should have achieved minimum grades of C- for core courses which are prerequisites for further study in your intended major/minor program(s). 

Transfer to the Bachelor of Commerce

Students applying to transfer to the Bachelor of Commerce program should submit the change of degree request form.

To be eligible to transfer to the Bachelor of Commerce, students must complete 12 credits from the following list of courses with a minimum grade of C- in each:

  • COMM 1011, ECON 1001 and 1011
  • 3 credits from COMM 1411 or a Computer Science course
Transfer to the Bachelor of Music

Students applying to transfer to the Bachelor of Music program must submit the change of degree request form, and complete an application process managed by the Music department.

Please consult the Music department head for the application deadline, as well as further information about the required application form, audition, interview, and entrance assessment.

Transfer to the Bachelor of Fine Arts

Students applying to transfer to the Bachelor of Fine Arts program must submit the change of degree request form, and complete an application process managed by the Fine Arts department.

Please consult with the Fine Arts department head for the application deadline, as well as further information about the required portfolio submission and forms.  

Questions? Contact the Registrar's Office at or call (506) 364-2269.