Cragg Resource Centre

Generously donated by the 蜜桃视频 Allison Class of 1949, the L.H. Cragg Resource Centre plays an integral part in research done by science students by providing computing facilities and software to help analyze and present data collected during research.

Computing facilities/software in the Centre
  • 10 personal computers (Windows 7 and Linux)
  • Dell Latitude D620 Laptop
  • Dell 3200MP DLP projector
  • Gaussian 09W
  • PC Spartan Pro, Student Spartan 2.0.0
  • Accelrys Cerius, Accelrys Viewer Lite 5.0
  • Scifinder Scholar
  • Cambridge Structural Database (Conquest 1.9, Mercury 1.5)
  • CS ChemOffice 5.0, MDL ISIS Draw 2.5
  • ChemDraw (download instructions below)
  • SPSS 15.0 for Windows
  • Maplesoft Maple 10, Mathcad 13
  • Microsoft Office 2010, Open Office
  • Refworks, Adobe Reader X
  • Visual Paradigm


Students have access to a wide range of instrumentation in Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry laboratories.

Instrumentation and features

Inert Atmosphere

LC Technology Solutions Inc

  • Double glovebox

IR Spectroscopy

Thermo Scientific Nicolet iS5

  • iD1 cell holder
  • iD5 ATR

Thermo Nicolet IR200

NMR Spectroscopy

JEOL ECX-400 (400MHz)

  • 鹿H, 鹿鹿B, 鹿鲁C, 鲁鹿P

2 x Nanalysis Corporation; NMReady-60PRO (2017)

  • 60 MHz Benchtop NMR
  • 鹿H and 鹿鹿B nuclei
  • 鹿H and 鲁鹿P nuclei

Optical Spectroscopy

Agilent 4210 Microwave Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometer

鈥    Autosampler

Malvern ZetaSizer Nano ZS dynamic light scattering instrument

Horiba Scientific; Duetta Spectrofluorometer

  • Fluorescence
  • Absorbance

Perkin Elmer LS 50B luminescence Spectrophotometer

Varian Cary 100 Bio UV-Vis Spectrophotometer

  • Cary 100 Software updated 2014
  • 6x6 Multicell Block Peltier
  • Cary Temperature Controller

Varian SpectrAA 220 Atomic Absorption/Emission Spectrometer

  • AA workstation (SpectrAA) updated 2019

Thermo Nicolet NXR 9650 FT-Raman Spectrometer

  • with FT-Raman Microstage and InGaAs/Ge Detectors
  • OMNIC Professional 7.1a/ FT-Raman 7.1/Atlus Software
  • Thermo Electron Standard Collection of Raman Spectra

Animal Metabolism

1 x 30L and 3 x 10L Loligo Systems intermittent flow swim tunnel respirometers

Imaging and Surface

Park Systems XE-100 Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)

Harrick Plasma RF Plasma Cleaner

UV-vis-NIR Spectroscopy (Princeton Instruments) coupled to an inverted polarized florescence microscope (Olympus)

2 Langmuir balances


BASi Epsilon EClipse Electrochemical Analyzer

Gas Chromatography

Varian Model 3700 GC-FID

Agilent 8860 GC with 5977B MS

  • 7693 Autoinjector
  • MDS ChemStation
  • NIST Library Bundle

Liquid Chromatography

Metrohm Ion Chromatography 940 Professional Vario Two (dual channel)

鈥    Conductivity and Amperometry detectors 
鈥    Autosampler

Varian Prostar 210 single pump with 320 UV-Vis detector

Agilent 1260 Infinity II

  • Quaternary pump
  • Dioade array detector
  • Auto Sampler
  • Chem Station software


Millipore Milli-Q Reference A+ Water Purification System

  • Q-pod Attachment


Career resources

Academic career advising and mentoring

Biochemist Dr. Jeffrey Waller ( and chemist Dr. Glen Briand ( are available to meet with students enrolled as chemistry/biochemistry majors to discuss their career options. 

Past departmental graduates have gone on to (post) graduate education or careers in:

  • medicine
  • dentistry
  • healthcare
  • pharmacy
  • optometry
  • podiatry
  • allied health fields
  • law
  • veterinary medicine
  • doctoral studies in biochemistry or biology
  • education
  • bioinformatics
  • laboratory technicians
  • Masters of Business Administration (MBA)
  • forensic sciences
  • patent agent
  • sales
  • government
  • industry

It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that their course selections will meet the entry requirements for these graduate programs and that the student attain a high enough grade to pass entrance cutoffs.

Our best advice for choosing a successful career path is to choose a career

  • whose subject matter you enjoy (and you will never work a day in your life)
  • that requires some specialization (so few others are qualified to do it)
  • is valued by society in general (so your efforts are rewarded)

Generally, chemistry and biochemistry students will enter one of the following career areas and be employed by the one or more of the following employers by exploiting the following strategies.

Career areas

Adapted to Canadian needs from a 鈥溾 by the Career Planning staff of at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. (1996, Revised 2003)

Check out to learn and explore different career paths in the Chemical Sciences.


Basic, applied, medical

Employers Strategies

University laboratories

Federal government labs, agencies (NRC, Alberta Innovates, Health Canada, Agriculture & Agri-Food, DFO, RCMP, Canadian Forces, etc.)

Public health labs

Commercial medical laboratories

Independent research foundations

Industry laboratories (pharmaceutical companies, biotechnology firms, food processors, cosmetic manufacturers, chemical/petroleum industries)

Bachelor's degree in biochemistry, biology, or chemistry to qualify for laboratory technician/research assistant positions

Choose courses with laboratory work

Get on-the-job experience in a laboratory by volunteering and/or doing an honours thesis research project

Complete a certificate training program, usually one year, to learn specialized laboratory techniques

Earn master's degree in biochemistry or chemistry for better positions, advancement opportunities, more responsibility, and higher pay

Obtain PhD to direct research projects and lead research teams

  • Medicine
  • Dentistry
  • Optometry
  • Podiatry
  • Pharmacy
  • Veterinary medicine
  • Allied Health
  • Occupational and/or physical therapy)
  • Nursing
  • Nurse practitioner
  • Emergency medical services
  • Global health
  • Epidemiology
  • Genetic counselling
Employers Strategies


Medical centers

Nursing homes

Private practice

Canadian Forces

Plan on attending medical school or other related graduate program

Maintain an outstanding grade point average, particularly in the sciences

Secure strong faculty recommendations

Meet with a pre-health advisor periodically

Join related student organizations

Demonstrate leadership abilities

Volunteer to work in a hospital or healthcare setting

Find a summer job or internship in a hospital

Develop a 鈥渂ack-up鈥漰lan in case medical/graduate school admission is denied

Consider alternative but related careers such as nurse or physician assistants

Research all of the various fields within medicine to determine a particular career goal


Employers Strategies

Public/private elementary to high schools

Community college or technical institutes

Medical professional schools

Complete an accredited teacher preparation program for certification/licen sure in biology and/or chemistry

Earn a higher degree in biochemistry or chemistry and gain research experience; PhD required for universities, colleges

Business and other professional activities
  • Sales/marketing
  • Technical writing
  • Scientific journalism
  • Scientific illustration
  • Regulatory affairs
  • Administration/management
  • Scientific/technical recruiting
  • Intellectual property/patent law
Employers Strategies

Biotechnology industry

Pharmaceutical and chemical companies

Publishers: textbook, magazine, newspaper, book

Software firms

Regulatory agencies

Search firms

Law firms

Legal departments of corporations

For sales positions, gain sales experience through internships, part-time work, or summer jobs

Take business and/or computer classes

Become familiar with desktop publishing and other software packages

Develop strong written and oral communication skills

Get experience writing for a school or local newspaper

Obtain an MBA or PhD to reach high levels of administration

Plan on attending law school if interested in law



Useful job search links