
A full listing of courses offered by the Department of History can be found in the .


The Department of History offers a major and minor in history, as well as an honours, with course or thesis options.

Program requirements for each option can be found in the .

Academic advising

For information about pursuing a major, minor, or honours in history and for assistance with course selection and planning, please contact the history program advisor, Dr. William Lundell (


The Department invites and encourages history majors who have earned a ‘B’ average in all history courses completed and in all courses completed from the time they achieve second–year standing to apply for history honours during the fall term of their third year.

The Department provides two ‘paths’ to history honours. A successful honours applicant may choose either to complete:

  • 12 credits in history 4000–level courses and an honours thesis (six credits) under the supervision of a faculty advisor
  • 18 credits in history 4000–level courses

Students interested in pursuing history honours should consult with the program advisor before filing the declaration to pursue honours form.