Undergraduate research

Applications are Open for Summer 2023. Applications will be accepted until January 12th, 2025.

Applications for Summer 2025  are now closed.

Information on opportunities listed below.

Dr. Meghan Allen
Combinatorial Game Theory is the study of the algebraic structures underneath non-probabilistic mathematical structures known as "games".   Dividing such games into two play conventions, normal (the last player to move wins) and misère (the last player to move loses), misère, which feels like it should simply be a role-reversal of normal, defies all expectations.  We go from normal play games, which form a category (hi Dr Cruttwell!), to misère play games which form nothing as of yet. 
This project would involve a combination of building new combinatorial games to investigate under both normal and misère play conventions, as well as investigating the concept of "adding" game positions together under misère play with different notions of summation. 
Students require a strong performance (A- or better) in MATH 2211 (Discrete Structures) and a reasonably strong performance (B or better) in at least one of MATH 3111 (Real Analysis), MATH 3211 (Modern Algebra I), or MATH 4221 (Modern Algebra II) and preferably more than one of these courses.


Dr. Michael Cormier

I plan to hire undergraduate research assistants in Summer 2025 to work on projects related to computer vision and machine learning. My ongoing projects involve the use of hybrid models that combine deep learning with "classical" computer vision and machine learning techniques to get high accuracy with smaller datasets. As a research assistant, you may work with web pages, diagrams, or similar visual data, and all of my ongoing projects involve collaboration with other researchers and stakeholders.

Dr. Geoffrey Cruttwell

My research uses category theory, which allows us to transfer ideas and results between different areas of mathematics.  My recent research has shown in particular how we can transfer some of the ideas of differential geometry (the study of smooth surfaces) to algebraic geometry (the study of the common zeroes of some set of polynomials).  The research project (either summer research, or honours, or possibly both) would involve learning the background of this theory, and then understanding what the theory tells us when we look at various "shapes" in algebraic geometry.  

Required background is strong performance (A- or better) in at least one of Math 3111 (Real Analysis), Math 3221 (Advanced linear algebra), Math 3211 (Modern Algebra I), or Math 4221 (Modern Algebra II), and preferably more than one.

Dr. Mark Hamilton

I work in geometry, more specifically differential geometry (the study of "curved surfaces" in higher dimensions, using the tools of calculus) related to mathematical physics.  This often involves symmetry considerations, which are expressed in the language of group actions (from Modern Algebra).  If you think you might be interested in doing summer research or a thesis with me, come and talk with me, and we can see how your interests might fit with mine and what project we might find for you to work on.

Dr. Nathaniel Johnston and Dr. Margaret Messinger
k-clique covering of graphs
We have a graph theory project that would be suitable for an undergraduate student: How many triangles do you have to put on top of a graph to completely cover it? Slightly more generally, and in slightly more technical language: For an integer k >= 3, how many k-cliques do you have to put on top of a graph to completely cover it? (When k = 3, k-cliques are triangles.)
Dr. Messinger's interest in this quantity comes from the connection to well-known graphs covers: sets of vertices (with particular properties) that "cover" all the edges of a graph.  Dr. Johnston's interest in this quantity comes from a connection with quantum information theory: it provides a lower bound on how much superpositioning (i.e., "quantumness") is required to create a certain quantum state associated with the graph.
This problem is hard, so we certainly don't expect to find a complete answer to it, but there are numerous special cases that we would like to explore. For example, there are some specific families of graphs for which we expect it is reasonable to find an answer.  For general graphs, we should be able to determine the quantity for extremal cases: when k is very small or very large.
Students must have taken Linear Algebra (MATH 2221) and Discrete Structures (MATH 2211). Advanced Linear Algebra (MATH 3221) and/or Graph Theory (MATH 3251) would be an asset, but are by no means required. No knowledge of physics or quantum mechanics is expected.
Dr. Laurie Ricker

Opacity is a property regarding the information flow of a system. In particular, opacity tells us whether or not an intruder can infer some confidential information about a system. Recently, opacity was cast into a multi-agent environment, where each agent has secrets about the system, and the goal is to force other agents to reveal their secrets without revealing their own.


The next step is to attach a quantitative measure to each secret, where less sensitive information has a low cost attached to its release.  The goal here is to establish whether or not an agent has a “winning” strategy that involves acquiring others’ secrets of value while minimizing the cost of revealing its own secrets.  

Becoming a tutor

The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science helps students looking for math or computer science tutors connect with students interested in tutoring.

If you are interested in becoming a tutor, please contact the Department at math@mta.ca to express your interest and indicate your availability.

Becoming a teaching assistant

Mathematics and Math/Comp Sci Help Center positions

Submit your application by completing the Math TA Application Form.

Winter 2025 applications are now closed.

Fall 2025 positions will open in Spring/Summer.

E-mail math@mta.ca  for more information.


Computer science positions

Submit your application by completing the Comp Sci TA Application Form.

Winter 2025 applications are now closed.

Fall 2025 positions will open in Spring/Summer.

For information you can email comp-ta@mta.ca


There will be a workshop for all new TAs during the first week of classes.

Please note that you must have a valid Social Insurance Number to work as a TA.

If you have any questions about the TA positions, please e-mail the appropriate address above.

Teaching assistant certificate

To be awarded in their graduating year to undergraduate students who have successfully completed the following requirements:

  • Be a TA responsible for labs (excludes marking only) in at least two different math or computer science courses, for a full semester each.
  • Attend a TA orientation session offered by the Department or a comparable workshop.
  • Enhance the teaching of a course in some concrete way with consultation and under the supervision of the course instructor. For example, the TA could:
    • present a short segment of supplementary material in a lab session
    • prepare a short hand-out (or web posting) featuring problems of a type observed to cause difficulties in the lab
    • contribute to the creation of lab material
    • offer a pre-test or pre-exam review session
    • otherwise demonstrate good judgement, mature teaching ability, and involvement in curriculum enhancement.
  • Course instructors (faculty) or lab supervisors (staff member) must also sign off with comments upon successful completion of this requirement. TAs hoping to fulfill this requirement in a particular semester and those closest to their graduation date will be given priority.
  • Complete and submit a TA Certificate application form by the last day of classes of the student's graduating year. Once you have applied online, the department will verify each component with supervising faculty or staff.


  • Obtain an application form from the Math/CS office, the first year you work as a TA. (For current TAs, do this as soon as possible.)
  • Complete and return the updated form to the office each year before March 15.
  • Certificates are awarded each year at the annual Departmental banquet.
  • A record is kept on file of those awarded certificates; with the student's permission, this information may be used in letters of reference written on the student's behalf.

Departmental Awards & Scholarships

The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science offers a variety of departmental awards and scholarships.

Current students will automatically be considered for departmental scholarships and awards if they meet the criteria. These scholarships and awards do not require an application and are generally given out during the fall term.

Every bit of information we have on your extracurricular activities can help us make the most informed decision, however.

Please tell us what type(s) of extracurricular activities (i.e. music, athletics, student government, clubs, off and on-campus activities and volunteer work, summer research, conferences etc….) you participate in.

Departmental awards supplemental information form.


Clubs and societies

Math and Computer Science Society

Executive 2024/2025

  • Co-president: Jasmine Schaus
  • Co-president: Kenzie MacIntyre
  • Vice President, Finance and Administration: Lauren Smith
  • Vice President, External Affairs: Jamie Chisholm
  • Vice President, Internal Affairs: Tanner Altenkirk
  • Underclassman Representative: Ibrahim Khan

Contact the Society at mathcssoc@mta.ca   





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 AI & Robotics Society



Contact: airs@mta.ca

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